We can't wait to hear your creation!! Please export, collect, save then package your samples and sample instruments in a single ZIP file and upload to wetransfer.com where you can add the download link in our form below. Be sure to name the zip file the same as the name of the sample pack you use in the form below, everything else we require for moderation and inclusion is in the below :)
The following is the preferred directory structure within the ZIP file:
samples/ - a directory containing the raw sample files - .wav is preferred
*.nki/*.nkr/*.nkc etc - Kontakt instrument files (where appropriate)
*.dspreset - DecentSampler preset files (where appropriate)
*.exs - Logic Sampler/EXS24 instrument files (where appropriate)
*.other - as per the sampler saving instructions (where appropriate)
Please name each sample file with the note being played, ensuring you use only sharp “#” symbols rather than flat “b” symbols. Distinguish between the volume layers by adding “p”/”mp”/”mf”/”f” as appropriate, if you are not sure what these mean, please review our FAQ page and the process of sampler instrument creation.
Please note - we will email you to confirm inclusion after review and moderation, similarly we will also reach out if there are any issues with your instrument after testing, you will then have only one opportunity to correct.